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LAW 8500 Australian Commercial and Corporations Law Assignment 1


Assignment question (20 marks representing 20% of the overall course assessment)

Bonza Beer placed the following advertisement in the local newspaper on 25 January;

        Hear ye! Hear ye! Fishermen and fisherwomen of Lake Myrtle. We are offering to pay $100,000 to any person who catches Lord Jim, a giant trout which we have tagged and released into the lake

The following day was a public holiday. Lake Myrtle was packed with holidaymakers fishing both on the bank and from small boats on the lake. Around lunchtime a rumour spread around people on the lake bank that there had been an error in the advertisement and that the amount being offered was only $1000 and that Bonza Beer had announced that the prize would be the lower amount. It turns out that the rumour was true. Gordon heard this rumour from the stranger beside him minutes before he caught Lord Jim. A Bonza Beer employee was on hand to certify the catch before Lord Jim was released back into the lake. The employee did not say anything about the amount of prize. Gordon is now claiming that Bonza Beer owes him $100,000.

Advise Bonza Beer, using applicable legal principles and citing relevant authorities dealing with contract formation, whether this is true or not.


(Please note: Students are expected to use the ILAC format here in structuring their answer. You will be marked on how well you answer the question using contract law, and how well you address the ILAC answer plan structure. Students should read the marking guide for further detail on this.)

Week 3 Written Assignment - Analyzing Legislation


Identify a bill or law at the local, state, or federal level.  Provide a brief synopsis of the bill or law in your own words and answer the following questions:

1. Does the proposed policy seek to achieve a compelling health objective? Is the health purpose(s) of the policy clearly and narrowly defined?

2. Is the proposed policy likely to be effective in achieving the stated goal(s)?  Is the policy an appropriate intervention to achieve the stated objectives and is it reasonably likely to lead to effective action?

3. Is the policy narrowly focused on the health problem? Is the policy narrowly tailored to address the specific health problem, is it over- or under- inclusive?

4. Does the policy interfere with the right to liberty, autonomy, privacy, or nondiscrimination? How does the policy impact health equity?

5. Is the policy the least restrictive alternative or could the health objective be achieved as well, or better, with fewer restrictions on human rights? 

Adapted from:  The Formulation of Health Policy by the Three Branches of Government.  Institute of Medicine.  1995. Society's Choices: Social and Ethical Decision Making in Biomedicine. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/4771.




Week 4 Written Assignment - Health in All Policies

Create an original 10 slide presentation with speaker notes and at least six APA cited sources. In your slide presentation and notes, apply a Health in All Policies Approach to one of the following topics:

·       Assuring water quality and security

·       Preventing violence in the community

·       Creating transportation opportunities

·       Improving access to healthier foods

·       Other topic – check with instructor if you would like to suggest another topic



Week 5 Written Assignment - Policies, Science, and Evidence


Slide Presentation with notes

        Develop a 3 minute slide presentation with speaker notes. The audience for the presentation and notes would be a legislator or other governmental official. The presentation should summarize relevant research on a current or proposed law.  Reference a minimum of six sources including The Guide to Community Preventive Services (The Community Guide) and U.S. Preventive Services Task Force



State Policy Guide: Using Research in Public Health Policymaking (44 pages) State policy guide; using research in public health policymaking : a publication of the Council of State Governments - 5233 | Library Collection | localhost  Read pages 1-19.


Getting Research to the Policy Table: A Qualitative Study With Public Health Researchers on Engaging With Policy Makers  (14 pages)


Week 6 Written Assignment - Stakeholders, Advocacy, and Lobbying


2 Parts:

1. Perform a stakeholder analysis (power/interest grid) for a specific public health legislative proposal and present the analysis as a diagram (see example in lecture/presentation).  Include a narrative (200-400 words) to explain the implications of the analysis for securing the passage of your proposal.

2. Write a Letter to the Editor or Blog: Research a public health policy about which you feel strongly and compose a Letter to the Editor of a news outlet.  200-300 words.  (Read Letters in some of the major news outlets to get an idea of style.)


Week 7 Written Assignment - The Policy Making Process


Final Paper - Policy Process


Using Week 7 Module’s assigned reading as a guide, apply each of the steps to a public health policy you would like to propose.  

You may use topics you already addressed in previous assignments in this course and build on that work or you may select a new topic for the final paper.

* Comment on the health equity issues in each step. 

1,800 to 2,000 words.  Use APA Citation Style.  Minimum of 12 cited references.

 At a minimum, include the following steps (include as headings):

1. Problem Identification - What is the measurable health status problem, e.g. lung cancer, heart disease, motor vehicle injuries

2. Policy Analysis - Describe a specific bill you would propose; in a specific jurisdiction; specific provisions of the bill; evidence that the bill will be effective

3. Stakeholder Engagement and Education - Describe the specific stakeholders (by job title); how you will involve them in the process; sample communication pieces

4. Strategy and Policy Development - how will you involve the community and legislators or officials?

5. Policy Enactment and Evaluation - What entities will implement your policy and how will they implement it?  What will you measure to determine success?  Where will you find the data to measure?

Week 8 Written Assignment - Reflection


In this assignment you will reflect on the competencies and learning objectives (listed below) you have attained in this course. You will demonstrate your attainment by reflecting on the work you have submitted, discussions, readings, multimedia,  and lecture/presentations.  Include any impact of the course on your current or future work. 600-800 words.

You may find these tips on writing a reflection paper to be useful: 

Competencies and Learning Objectives

1. Understand the connection between policy development and health

2. Discuss multiple dimensions of the policy-making process, including the roles of ethics and evidence

3. Evaluate policies for their impact on public health and health equity

4. Discuss multiple dimensions of the policy-making process, including the roles of ethics and evidence

6. Propose strategies to identify and analyze stakeholders and build coalitions and partnerships for influencing public health outcomes

7. Advocate for political, social or economic policies and programs that will improve health in diverse populations

Submit your completed assignment to the drop box below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Week 1 Written Assignment - Public Health Triad and Global Health

Write a 1-2 page article (based on scientific research) on what you consider to be one of the most threatening global environmental issues. Recommend measures to lessen this threat.


Week 2 Written Assignment - Inflammatory Diseases and Public Health

Write a 1-2 page article comparing acute and chronic inflammation and explain the public health importance of chronic inflammatory diseases such as disease burden, impact on health care and disability services.


Week 4 Discussion - Informational Brochure/Talk

Week 4 Discussion - Informational Brochure/Talk

Design/prepare a 200-250 word Information brochure/Talk for any one of the following situations:

  1. Preventive measures for MRSA in a suburban high school.

  2. Food safety precautions for neighborhood block party.

  3. Infection control for a homeless shelter.

  4. HIV/AIDS education, screening and routine testing for correctional facilities.

  5. Behavioral interventions for prevention of sexually transmitted infections on college campus. Include your county/state's STIs and AIDS statistics.

Part 2

Week 4 Written Assignment - Pathogens

Analyze for ONE OF the case scenarios below- likely pathogens that could have caused the infection and steps to prevent such an infection.

A man in his late thirties was referred to a specialist bone infection service. He had congenital hip dysplasia which had undergone bilateral hip replacements by the age of 21 years. In his early thirties, the left prosthetic hip was replaced because of mechanical problems, with the right side replaced the following year. A year later he developed bilateral discharging sinuses over the hips and underwent several incision and drainage procedures.

A 57 year-old male with a known history of drug and alcohol abuse was re-admitted 35 days following an appendectomy performed at the same hospital. He was complaining of nausea, poor appetite, abdominal tenderness and continued drainage from the surgical wound margin that began 2 weeks prior to presentation at the hospital. An abdominal CT revealed an intra-abdominal abscess. The patient was taken for an exploratory laparotomy.


Week 8 Written Assignment - Biologic Processes

Create a 2 page paper of your opinion on how biologic processes impact public health.


Week 1 Individual Assignment - New Manager Introduction

2-3 PAGES – (MINIMUM 500 WORDS) At least one reference.

You have been named the new manager of a health organization ( Hospital, Public Health Agency, Department, etc.)

What would you do (what steps would you take) in the first month as a new manager to improve your chances of success. Why would you take these actions? Whom would you meet with? What documents would you read?

What would you say to your superiors and to the people who report to you about your management style?



Choose a hypothetical or real health organization

(minimum 500 words REFERENCES - at least one. ONE SUBMISSION PER GROUP)


  • What should we know about this type of organization?

  • Who works there? How many employees?

  • How is it funded? What is a typical budget?

  • Whom does it serve?

  • What is the competition?

  • Is it regulated? By whom?

  • What is a typical organizational structure?


Week 2 Individual Assignment - Critique Strategic Plans

Select one of  the strategic plans listed below and answer the 5 questions with explanations and examples from the document: 

3-5 pages


  1. Is the plan based on an analysis of the environment?

  2. Are vision and mission clearly articulated and appropriate?

  3. Are goals and objectives SMART?

  4. Are strategic themes and initiatives described?

  5. Is there a plan for evaluating success of the plan?

Strategic Plans



Week 3 Individual Assignment - Human Resource Case Study

Select one of these case studies and respond to the  below instructions/questions (3-5 pages): 


  • What background information on the organizations is important to know? 

  • What are the missions of the organizations in the case study?  How are the missions compatible or not?

  • How were employees affected by the merger? 

  • What successful strategies were used with employees to achieve a successful transition?

  • What other successful strategies were employed? 

  • What does the case study tell us about organizations adapting to change?


Case Studies



 Assignment #2

Week 3 Group Assignment - Employee Handbook Outline

After reviewing this week’s material, write a 2-3 page paper indicating what you would include in your organization’s HANDBOOK FOR EMPLOYEES.

Briefly describe what policies, procedures, laws, work rules you feel are most important for the employees to know and follow.

Why are they important?



Develop your organization’s Technology Plan for acquiring new technology.  You may choose any major type of technology acquisition.  Please remember to answer the following questions (3-5 pages):


  1. What are my goals for using this technology?

  2. What resources do I have now?

  3. What resources will I need?

  4. How will I pay for or provide these resources?

  5. How will I maintain this technology?

  6. How will members of my staff be trained to use this technology effectively?

  7. How will I know if I am accomplishing my goals for this technology?

  8. What important decisions do we need to make?


Week 5 Group Assignment - Quality Improvement Plan

3-5 pages 

Create a Quality Improvement Plan for your hypothetical organization.


  • A statement of the quality vision. 

  • A description of the program structure. 

  • A membership for the QI team or committee that is diverse. 

  • A meeting schedule. 

  • A defined process for how QI will be conducted. 

  • A list of improvement goals or priorities that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound. 

  • A plan for how both the plan and the goals will be evaluated. 

  • A plan for how performance data will be acquired and reported



Individual Assignment


Identify a performance or system-related problem you might encounter in a hypothetical or real organization.  The problem can be addressed through improving staff performance and/or redesigning processes or systems.  

3-5 pages

Address all of the below:


  • Focus on one specific problem

  • Develop one simple consistent problem statement

  • Describe the problem (This is the narrative background for how and why you chose the quality/performance improvement issue.  What is the current situation?)

    • Describe the (hypothetical or real) organization

  • Name

  • Location (rural, urban, etc.)

  • Mission

  • Number of staff 

  • Other pertinent information about the organization or environment

    • Specific division, department, or program description

    • Problem Statement

  • What is the performance problem the organization or department wants to improve?

  • Reasons Selected e.g.,

    • Not serving client or population needs?

    • Not meeting standards required?

    • Not meeting internal goals?

    • High risk?

    • High volume?

  • How is the problem being addressed currently (in general terms)?

  • How do you know the performance should or can be improved? 


As you know, in almost every case, it is necessary to form a team to address such a problem.  How would you go about forming such a team?  What talents or skills would you look to recruit? How would you prevent some person or group from dominating?  How would you ensure a balance of conformance and opposition?



Week 6 Individual Assignment - Making the Business Case for Public Health

Develop a business case for a health initiative (prevention effort, new service or program, new policy) that is justified in terms of costs and benefits. 3-5 pages

Include answers to the following basic questions:

  • What is the problem? 

  • What should be done about it? 

  • Why should we do this? 

  • What are the risks/benefits/costs? 

  • Who are the stakeholders?

  • How will you measure success? 

  • Where are the resources?


Week 6 Group Assignment - Critical Incident Management

Group - Critical Incident Management

3-5 pages

Analyze the case study below and respond to the questions at the end. 

Please use this forum to collaborate, but you must submit your group's assignment in a separate, clearly identified discussion topic. Please label this thread  "Week 6 FINAL SUBMISSION" along with your group name. 


7.3 Case Study 1: Stalking

7.3.1 Incident
A supervisor called the employee relations office to request a meeting of the workplace violence team for assistance in handling a situation. He was counseling one of his employees about her frequent unscheduled absences, when she told him a chilling story of what she had been going through for the past year. She broke up with her boyfriend a year earlier, and he stalked her ever since. He called her several times a week, and she would hang up immediately. He would show up wherever she went on the weekends and would stare at her from a distance. He often parked his car down the block from her home and sat there. He made it known he had a gun.

7.3.2 Response
This agency's plan called for the initial involvement of security, Employee Assistance Program (EAP), and employee relations in cases involving stalking. The security officer, the EAP counselor, and employee relations specialist met first with the supervisor, and then with the employee and supervisor together. At the meeting with the employee, after learning as much of the background as possible, they gave her some initial suggestions:

  1. Contact her local police and file a report;

  2. Ask them to assess her security at home and make recommendations for improvements;

  3. Log all future contacts with the stalker and clearly record the date, time, and nature of the contact;

  4. Let voicemail screen incoming phone calls; Contact her phone company to report the situation;

  5. Give permission to let her co-workers know what was going on (she would not agree to do this); and

  6. Vary daily routine :

    1. Go to different shop;

    2. Take different routes;

    3. Run errands at different times; and

    4. Report to work on a variable schedule.

The team then created the following plan:

  • Employee Relations Specialist: acted as coordinator of the response effort. He made a written report of the situation and kept it updated. He kept the team members, the supervisor, and the employee apprised of what the others were doing to resolve the situation. He also looked into the feasibility of relocating the employee to another worksite.

  • Security Officer: reported the situation to the local police immediately. With the employee's consent, she also called the police where the employee lived to learn what steps they could take to help the employee. She offered to coordinate and exchange information with them. The security officer arranged for increased surveillance of the building and circulated photos of the stalker to all building guards with instructions to detain him if he showed up at the building. She brought a tape recorder to the employee's desk and showed her the best way to tape any future voice mail messages from the stalker. She also contacted the agency's phone company to arrange for its involvement in the case.

  • EAP Counselor: provided support and counseling for both the employee and the supervisor throughout the time this was going on. He suggested local organizations that could help the employee. He also tried to convince her to tell co-workers about the situation.

  • The Union: arranged to sponsor a session on stalking in order to raise the consciousness of agency employees about the problem in general.

After a week, when the employee finally agreed to tell co-workers what was going on, the EAP counselor and security officer jointly held a meeting with the whole work group to discuss any fears or concerns they had, and give advice on how they could help with the situation.


7.3.3 Resolution
In this case, the employee's co-workers were supportive and wanted to help. They volunteered to watch out for the stalker and to follow other security measures recommended by the security specialist. The stalker ended up in jail because he tried to break into the employee's home while armed with a gun. The security officer believed the local police were able to be more responsive in this situation because they had been working together with agency security on the case.

7.3.4 Questions for the Agency Planning Group

  1. Do you agree with the agency's approach in this case?

  2. What would you do in a similar situation if your agency does not have security guards?

  3. What would you do if co-workers were too afraid of the stalker to work in the same office with the employee?

  4. What would you do if/when the stalker gets out of jail on bail or probation?





Week 7 Group Assignment - Community Collaboration

3-5 pages

Your hypothetical organization has decided to lead a community initiative to solve a specific health problem affecting your community.  Be sure to address the following:


  1. Definition of the issue or problem the coalition is addressing

  2. Community partners you will approach to join the coalition

  3. Name, vision and mission statements for the coalition

  4. The design of a structure for the coalition 

  5. An action plan for the first year

  6. Resources that will be needed

  7. Evaluation plan




Develop an interdisciplinary team of individuals in your hypothetical organization to address a patient or population health problem. Each team member can play the role of the profession (nursing, business, medicine, management, etc.) he or she does in real life or select a hypothetical role. Be sure your team demonstrates interdisciplinary diversity.

  • Articulate a problem statement Introduce the members of your team and the disciplines they represent

  • Explain how your discipline views the problem 

  • Explain how your discipline can contribute to a solution 

  • Develop a plan that integrates each discipline in a coordinated way.


Competencies Reflection

Reflection Paper on MPH Course Competencies and Learning Objectives  

300-600 words

In your own words, explain how you have acquired each of the competencies and learning objectives listed on the syllabus.  Cite specific assignments/presentations/discussions to demonstrate your acquisition of knowledge and skills.  Summarize the skills, knowledge, and abilities you have acquired through your work in this course.

MPH Course Competencies:


  1. Apply principles of leadership, governance and management, which include creating a vision, empowering others, fostering collaboration and guiding decision making

  2. Explain basic principles and tools of budget and resource management  

  3. Explain basic principles and tools of budget and resource management

  4. Apply Quality Improvement Techniques in Public Health

  5. Apply principles of leadership, governance and management, which include creating a vision, empowering others, fostering collaboration and guiding decision making

  6. Apply negotiation and mediation skills to address organizational or community challenges

  7. Perform effectively on interprofessional  teams



Week 1 Written Assignment - Community Description

  1. Your instructor will select a community at the county-level that the entire class will study. The instructor will post in Announcements at the beginning of Week 1 the name of the county and state of the selected community.  In order to maintain Academic Honesty, students must not share materials or data with each other.  All students are required to complete their own research on the selected community. Please reread the University’s Academic Honesty Policy here: NOTE: The selected community will most likely already have a written community health assessment and improvement plan.  The current plan should only be used as an example and should NOT be used in place of the work the student is required to complete.

A description of the following aspects of the community:

a.    Write a narrative description of the community for someone who may not be familiar with it - as if you preparing a brochure to promote/highlight the community to a potential resident. Select and describe 3-5 key features of the community that are particular to that community. 

b.    A narrative description highlighting the demographic changes seen in the community to explain the complete Data Template (found under Week 1 Materials) for the general public. 

      • Demographics: Include the total number and percent of each; the Data Template (found under Week 1 Course Materials) to gather data for both the county, state, and national data from both the 2000 and 2010 Census to show how the county has changed from the last Census as well as how it compares to the demographics of the state and the nation. The data template MUST be included as an appendix in your paper.

        • Total Population (include the percent change in population from the 2000 to the 2010 Census)

        • Age Distribution (use other similar parameters if unable to find the exact same in your research)

          • Under 1 Year

          • 1 to 5 Years

          • 6 to 13 Years

          • 14 to 17 Years

          • 18 to 24 Years

          • 25 to 49 Years

          • 50 to 64 Years

          • 65 to 84 Years

          • 85 Years and Older

          • Females 15 – 44 Years

        • Gender

        • Median Age

        • Racial & Ethnic Composition

          • Hispanic

          • White (Non-Hispanic)

          • Black

          • Asian/Pacific Islander

        • Socioeconomic Status (include total number and percentage of each)

          • Median Household Income

          • Persons Below 100% of Poverty Level

          • Persons Below 200% of Poverty Level

          • Households with Social Security Income

          • Households with Public Assistance Income

          • Unemployed Persons 16 Years & Older

          • High School Graduates 25 Years & Older

          • College Graduates 25 Years & Older

Your paper should be typed, up to five (5) pages in length, and follow the APA Style which includes using a cover page, one inch margins, running head, double spaced, and 12 inch Times New Roman font with a reference page.  The data template should be filled out and included as an appendix in your paper.



Week 2 Written Assignment 1- Phase 1, Organize for Success/Partnership Development

According to NAACHO’s MAPP User Handbook:

 “Completing Phase One answers the following questions:

  1. Who should be included in the MAPP process?

  2. Is the community ready to conduct a MAPP process?

  3. What are the resource needs for implementing a MAPP process?

  4. How will the community proceed through the MAPP process?” (NACCHO, 2013)


There are six steps to completing Phase One:

  • “Step One: Determine the Need

  • Step Two: Identify and Organize Participants

  • Step Three: Design the Planning Process

  • Step Four: Identify Resource Needs

  • Step Five: Complete Readiness Assessment

  • Step Six: Determine How the Process Will Be Managed” (NACCHO, 2013)


Students will complete the following steps of Phase One: Organize for Success/Partnership Development.

  1. Step One: Determine the Need:

    1. Students should answer the following four questions as found on page 11 of the MAPP User Handbook:

  1.                                                               i.      “Why should we complete the MAPP process?

  2.                                                             ii.      What critical issues do we hope to address?

  3.                                                           iii.      Who is driving the process?

  4.                                                           iv.      What do we want to get out of the MAPP process?”

  1. Step Two: Identify and Organize Participants

    1. Students should use the Community Description completed in Week 1 and review the Local Public Health System “Jelly Bean Diagram” to identify the key organizations that should be invited to be part of the MAPP Steering Committee.  The list of potential candidates should be listed in an appendix using the MAPP Steering Committee template available under Week 2 Course Materials. A narrative description of the MAPP Steering Committee should be included within the five page paper.  Refer to Phase One in the MAPP User Handbook for assistance in identifying partner organizations.


Your paper should be typed, up to five (5) pages in length, and follow the APA Style which includes using a cover page, one inch margins, double spaced, and 12 inch Times New Roman font with a reference page.


Suggestions for Data Sources:

  • MAPP User Handbook

  • Researched resources found for selected community



Week 3 Written Assignment 1 - Phase 3, Community Health Status Assessment (CHSA)

According to NAACHO’s MAPP User Handbook:
“Completing the CHSA answers the following questions:

  1. “How healthy is the community?

  2. What does the health status of the community look like?” (NACCHO, 2013)

There are seven steps to completing the CHSA:

  • “Step One: Create a Sub-Committee

  • Step Two: Create a List of Indicators

  • Step Three: Collect Data for Community Selected Indicators

  • Step Four: Organize and Analyze Data

  • Step Five: Compile and Disseminate Results

  • Step Six: Create a System to Monitor Indicators Over Time

  • Step Seven: Create a List of Challenges and Opportunities

  • Step Eight: Share Results With Community” (NACCHO, 2013)

Students will complete the following steps of Phase Three, the CHSA:

  1. Step One: Create a Sub-Committee

    1. Identify five positions found within the organizations identified as your MAPP Steering Committee who would make excellent members of the CHSA sub-committee (from page 54 of the MAPP User Handbook). Keep the following in mind when identifying positions:

  • “The sub-committee should include members who

    • Have access to data;

    • Can analyze data;

    • Can create a system for managing data;

    • Have an interest in data.” (NACCHO, 2013)

  1. Step Three: Collect Data for Community Selected Indicators

    1. Present and discuss the status and epidemiology of the following (students should note that some of the information has already been researched for the Community Description).  Use the most recent year data is available.  Complete the CHSA Data Template (found under Week 3 Course Materials) and include it as an appendix in your paper:

  • Birth rate

  • Age-adjusted death rate including the leading causes of death

  • Injury/violence/crime rate

  • Behavioral risk factors (look to the state Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System for data - BRFSS), provide five of the following:

    • Alcohol use

    • Cardiovascular Disease

    • Diabetes

    • Nutrition

    • Physical Activity

    • Tobacco

    • Weight Control

    • Social determinants affecting health

      • Economic Stability

        • 100% and 200% of poverty levels

        • Unemployment rate

        • % housing rent vs. owned

        • Education

          • % high school, college and post college graduates

          • Health and Health Care

            • % Uninsured

            • % using Medicaid

            • Ratio of patients to primary care physicians (PCPs)

  1. Step Seven: Create a List of Challenges and Opportunities

    1. A narrative description of the highlights of the above information should be included in the body of the paper where a table of the requested data should be placed into an appendix.  Be sure to highlight rates that the MAPP Steering Committee should seriously consider. Refer to page 60 of the MAPP User Handbook for a list of questions to help summarize the data researched for the CHSA.

Your paper should be typed, up to five (5) pages in length, and follow the APA Style which includes using a cover page, one inch margins, double spaced, and 12 inch Times New Roman font with a reference page.




Week 4 Written Assignment 1 - Community Themes and Strengths Assessment (CTSA)

According to NAACHO’s MAPP User Handbook:

 “Completing the CTSA answers the following questions:

  1. “What is important to the community?

  2. How is quality of life perceived in the community?

  3. What assets does the community have that can be used to improve community health?” (NACCHO, 2013)

 There are five steps to completing the CTSA:

  • “Step One: Create a Sub-Committee

  • Step Two: Choose Method(s) for Collecting Data

  • Step Three: Gather Data

  • Step Four: Review and Summarize Data

  • Step Five: Share Results With Community” (NACCHO, 2013)

 Students will complete the following steps of Phase Three, the CTSA:

  1. Step One: Create a Sub-Committee

    • Identify five positions found within the organizations identified as your MAPP Steering Committee who would make excellent members of the CTSA sub-committee (from page 62 of the MAPP User Handbook).

  2. Step Two: Choose Method(s) for Collecting Data

    • Review pages 64 -65 of the MAPP User Handbook. Identify two data collection methods that would be best to use in your community and explain why.

  3. Step Four: Review and Summarize Data

    • Using the information learned from your previous research, identify one asset  seen in your community and detail why it is an asset. Also, identify one weakness in your community and explain why it is a weakness to be improved upon.

 Your paper should be typed, up to five (5) pages in length, and follow the APA Style which includes using a cover page, one-inch margins, double-spaced, and 12 point Times New Roman font with a reference page.







Week 5 Discussion - Issues in Setting Community Priorities

Week 5 Discussion - Issues in Setting Community Priorities

In any strategic planning or community health improvement planning process, we are asked to identify a limited set of priorities to use in developing goals, objectives and strategies for the final plan.

The challenge in doing this is that our assessment of the community usually identified multiple strategic health issues that should be addressed in order to improve community health status. However, given limited resources, capacity and organization all health problems in a community cannot be effectively addressed by a single plan. Therefore, we seek to prioritize certain issues on which to focus our improvement plans and initiatives.

Various methods (e.g. Hanlon Method, nominal group process, qualitative methods, quantitative methods, etc.) and criteria (e.g. size of the problem, seriousness of the problem, effectiveness of the intervention, extent of disparity, populations most affected, community desire, etc.) to determine what to prioritize.

Finally, in order to be able to implement the health improvement plan, other members of the local public health system will be needed. In setting priorities we need to foster broad system collaboration -- helping all involved to see their role in community health improvement, regardless of the specific priorities selected.

For this week's discussion respond to the following questions:

  • Which criteria are most important for use in determining community health improvement priorities? Why?

  • Which methods are most useful - quantitative methods? Qualitative methods? Why?

  • What are challenges and concerns that need to be acknowledged in setting priorities that may impact community member and public health system participation in the implementation in the final plan?



Week 5 Discussion - Issues in Setting Community Priorities

In any strategic planning or community health improvement planning process, we are asked to identify a limited set of priorities to use in developing goals, objectives and strategies for the final plan.

The challenge in doing this is that our assessment of the community usually identified multiple strategic health issues that should be addressed in order to improve community health status. However, given limited resources, capacity and organization all health problems in a community cannot be effectively addressed by a single plan. Therefore, we seek to prioritize certain issues on which to focus our improvement plans and initiatives.

Various methods (e.g. Hanlon Method, nominal group process, qualitative methods, quantitative methods, etc.) and criteria (e.g. size of the problem, seriousness of the problem, effectiveness of the intervention, extent of disparity, populations most affected, community desire, etc.) to determine what to prioritize.

Finally, in order to be able to implement the health improvement plan, other members of the local public health system will be needed. In setting priorities we need to foster broad system collaboration -- helping all involved to see their role in community health improvement, regardless of the specific priorities selected.

For this week's discussion respond to the following questions:

  • Which criteria are most important for use in determining community health improvement priorities? Why?

  • Which methods are most useful - quantitative methods? Qualitative methods? Why?

  • What are challenges and concerns that need to be acknowledged in setting priorities that may impact community member and public health system participation in the implementation in the final plan?




Week 5 Written Assignment - Identify Strategic Issues

According to NAACHO’s MAPP User Handbook:

 “Completing the Phase Four answers the following questions:

  1. “What issues are critical to the success of the local public health system?

  2. What fundamental policy choices or critical challenges must be addressed in order for the community to achieve its vision?” (NACCHO, 2013)

 There are seven steps to completing Phase Four:

  • “Step One: Determine the Need for Completing the Phase

  • Step Two: Present a Summary of All Four Assessments

  • Step Three: Brainstorm Potential Strategic Issues

  • Step Four: Synthesize and Prioritize Strategic Issues

  • Step Five: Disseminate Results

  • Step Six: Conduct Process Evaluation for Phase Four

  • Step Seven: Celebrate” (NACCHO, 2013)











Week 7 Written Assignment - The Action Cycle

According to NAACHO’s MAPP User Handbook:

 “Completing the Phase Six, The Action Plan, answers the following questions:

  1. “What will be done to realize the community’s vision?

  2. Who will do it?

  3. How will it be done?

  4. How will we know we made improvements?” (NACCHO, 2013)

There are eight steps to completing Phase Five:

  • “Step One: Organize for Action

  • Step Two: Develop Objectives

  • Step Three: Develop Accountability for Achieving Objectives

  • Step Four: Develop Work Plans

  • Step Five: Review Action Plans for Opportunities to Coordinate

  • Step Six: Take Action

  • Step Seven: Evaluation

  • Step Eight: Celebrate and Share the Plan” (NACCHO, 2013)

Students will complete the following steps of Phase Six, The Action Cycle – The Action Plan:

  1. To complete Steps Three and Four, complete both the Logic Model Template and the 90 – 180 Day Implementation Worksheet (available as separate Word documents under Week 7 Course Materials) for the process objective for the top prioritized issue.

  2. Provide a narrative summary of all areas of the worksheet in the body of your paper in order to provide a description of the action planning process to the public.

 Your paper should be typed, up to five (5) pages in length, and follow the APA Style which includes using a cover page, one-inch margins, double-spaced, and 12 point Times New Roman font with a reference page.

MPH Competencies Applied:

MPH Competency #4: Demonstrate ethical competencies in the community health analysis and plan.

MPH Competency #5: Demonstrate management competencies in the community health analysis and plan.

MPH Competency #9: Demonstrate health policy competencies in the community health policy and plan.

MPH Competency #10: Demonstrate social and behavioral competencies in the community health analysis and plan.

MPH Competency #11: Synthesize the core competencies in the community health analysis and plan.







Week 8 Discussion - Addressing Community Health Priorities

Week 8 Discussion - Addressing Community Health Priorities

For Initial Post:

Prepare and post a summary of your community assessment and plan providing:

  1. A brief description of the community you selected.

  2. A summary of each of your weekly written assignments:

    • Organize for Success

    • Vision Statement

    • Results of the four MAPP assessments

    • Top prioritized issue

    • Goal and objectives for the top prioritized issue

    • Summary of the action plan for the top prioritized issue

    • Summary of the evaluation plan for the top prioritized issue


For Response Postings:

Review the initial posts of five (5) different classmates. Use the following as thought questions to consider creating your response posting. (Note: This feedback is important as it may help your classmate in making final revisions to their plans)

  • What was particularly innovative about the method used for the assessment, plan or presentation for this community?

  • What was most unexpected or surprising about the health status or risk factors identified in the community?

  • What aspects of the assessment were particularly clear? Which ones needed more clarification or data?

  • What was most interesting about the proposed approach to addressing the health priority? Was there evidence provided for the rationale for the selecting the approach?

  • If appropriate, comment or suggest an alternate approach that might be used to address the priority health issue; provide evidence or an example to support this recommendation.

  • What questions do you have about the community health improvement plan? Is the proposed intervention realistic? Achievable? Sustainable?

  • What is one challenge or opportunity that you see in the proposed intervention for the plan?



Week 8 Written Assignment - Community Needs Assessment and Health Improvement Plan Final Paper

Each student will combine each weekly written assignment into one comprehensive community needs assessment and health improvement plan incorporating any feedback received from the instructor into the final paper. Each weekly written assignment serves as one section of the final paper. Students should use the title of each weekly written assignment as a section header.  Any appendices used in weekly assignments should be included as appendices in the final paper.


The final paper should contain the following information:

    1. Community Description: A description of the selected community should be detailed which includes physical features, distinguished history as well as a demographic and socioeconomic overview of the community. (5 points)

    2. Partnership Development: A description of the partners who will assist in the MAPP process should be detailed. (5 points)

    3. Vision and Values Statements: The Vision and Value Statements for the MAPP process that were developed should be shared. (2 points)

    4. The Four MAPP Assessments: (8 points)

        1. Community Themes and Strengths Assessment (CTSA)

        2. Local Public Health System Assessment (LPHSA)

        3. Community Health Assessment (CHSA)

        4. Forces of Change Assessment (FOCA)

    1. Strategic Issues: A summary of the prioritization process and a listing of the top three prioritized health issues in the community should be included. (5 points)

    2. Goals and Strategies:  A goal, a process objective, an impact objective and an outcome objective for the top prioritized issue should be listed along with recommended activities, potential barriers and existing resources. (5 points)

    3. Action Cycle: A summary of the complete action cycle in order to complete one activity to meet the process objective should be included. (5 points)

    4. Evaluation Plan: A summary of the evaluation plan to measure the success of the action cycle should be detailed. (5 points)

Your paper should be typed and follow the APA Style which includes using a cover page, one-inch margins, double-spaced, and 12 point Times New Roman font with a reference page. (10 points)

Total Possible Points for Final Paper:  50 points






Week 3 Written Assignment - Business Sourcing Map



Using slide #22 of the service line marketing for success PowerPoint presentation as a model (see Week 3 Multimedia), choose an early detection screening (e.g., mammogram, hearing or vision, or diabetes screening) and develop a one-page business sourcing map detailing sources of business and their relative value for the organization.


For this assignment, you basically need to figure out the different sources of business that will contribute to the business segment of your choice. Some examples that you may use have already been provided in the PPT slide.

You will first identify the different sources of business/revenue/profit for the screening program of your choice. From there, you will further identify and breakdown the percentage of business you expect to receive from each source. The different sources identified should ideally total up to 100%.






Week 8 Written Assignment - Case Study 10 - Shouldice Hospital Limited

Week 8 Written Assignment - Case Study 10 - Shouldice Hospital Limited

Case Study #10 - Shouldice Hospital Limited (Lovelock, p. 507).

Read and Review the case study. Then, in 5-7 pages, discuss your assessment of Shouldice Hospital's marketing challenges, presenting your ideas for how the hospital can best manage those challenges. In developing your discussion, you should consider the following questions:

  • How did Shouldice Hospital incorporate market research into its service offerings?

  • Who are Shouldice Hospital's primary customer groups? What are their principal needs and preferences?

  • How were staff involved in assuring that the patient experience would be at its highest levels?

  • How was Shouldice Hospital able to market its comparative advantages against local and national competition?

  • How did the hospital deal with capacity issues and plans for further growth?





Week 1 Written Assignment - Mapping Community Assets

Review the following website: Watch the clips from In Sickness and In Wealth, the first episode in the Unnatural Causes documentary. In addition, read through the Social Determinants of Health Frequently Asked Questions page from the CDC's website on Social Determinants of Health.

On page A5 of the Unnatural Causes Discussion Guide for Episode 1 there is a listing of factors that could potentially contribute positively or negatively to your life. The factors are listed below:

  1. Food Access and Availability

  2. Quality Education

  3. Good Transportation / Planning

  4. Affordable Housing

  5. Good Jobs & Work Opportunities

  6. Business Investment and Development

  7. Income and Wealth

  8. Social Supports

  9. Public Safety

  10. Green Spaces

  11. Recreational Opportunities

For this paper, pick the top three factors that contribute positively to your health and explain why. Be specific in your answers (for example, if you identified "quality education" as a positive, what is it about the school districts in your community that make them good?) What factors contribute negatively to your health and why? Pick at least one factor from the above list. For the one factor you identified as negative, how can it be changed to be positive? What resources would you use to do this? What possible challenges may arise? What policy arenas need to be identified? In what ways can your community be organized to change the negative factor into a positive one?

Your paper should be uploaded electronically via the assigned dropbox in Engage. Your paper should be typed, up to five pages in length, and follow the APA Style which includes a cover page, one inch margins, double spacing, and 12 inch Times New Roman font with a reference page as applicable











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